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Let's see golf impact study
Re: "City Park board weighs views on golf upgrade," Metro, March 11.

Susan Gisleson
Letters to the Editor, Times Picayune

Building a $46 million golf course during the most disastrous economic period in recent history when most of the country is dealing with loss -- of homes, schools or jobs -- reminds me of the disconnect of a certain French monarch who order officials to "let them eat cake" because the citizens were hungry.

The fact that an environmental impact study has not been done on a project that will use 1 million gallons of water a day is unbelievable.

As stated at Tuesday's meeting, the income produced by the golf courses at City Park was in decline the years before the flood. Nationally, golf courses are closing because of the current economic conditions. The state of Louisiana already subsidizes a golf course to the tune of $1 million a year.

Right now a film crew is renting part of the old golf course as a movie set and paying a handsome fee. In October, the Voodoo Experience brings more revenue to the park.

In these trying times, we need to find creative solutions to support City Park. The old ways aren't necessarily the best ways.

Susan Gisleson

New Orleans
